Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone
Big Sky Cigars, renowned for their uncompromising commitment to quality and flavor, presents their masterpiece, “Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone Connecticut.” This exquisite 5 X 50 sized cigar is meticulously handcrafted in the revered tobacco heartland of Estelí, Nicaragua, under the meticulous supervision of skilled artisans.
Boasting an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, The Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone reveals a pleasing light, delicate flavor profile that harmonizes seamlessly with its Nicaraguan binder and filler. The Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, known for its mild flavor and smooth, creamy smoke, provides a delicate exterior to this cigar. Meanwhile, the Nicaraguan binder and filler contribute a richness and depth to the overall experience, perfectly balancing the subtle notes from the wrapper.
The Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone: Connecticut Shade exhibits a strength that is mild, making it the perfect choice for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers seeking a gentle introduction to the world of cigars. This blend’s strength does not overpower, but rather beckons you to enjoy the nuanced flavors it holds.
Delight in the unique tasting notes that this cigar offers. A subtle infusion of hay and sweet cream earth hints at pastoral landscapes and the tranquility of a slow afternoon. The delightful whisper of honey creates a sweet undertone that gently balances the savory elements, giving you a delectable hint of nature’s nectar. The unexpected essence of baking herbs adds an intriguing complexity to the flavor profile, creating an aromatic blend that teases the senses, adding a warmth that’s reminiscent of a homely kitchen.
The Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone: Connecticut Shade from Big Sky Cigars offers an experience that is as inviting as the breathtaking landscapes that inspire its creation. Whether savored amidst the quiet solitude of the great outdoors or enjoyed during a relaxed evening gathering, this blend represents a taste of tranquility and a moment of escape from the busyness of everyday life.
In the world of cigars, where the quality of the smoke hinges on the dedication of its creators, Big Sky Cigars Yellowstone: Connecticut Shade stands as a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, the careful selection of tobacco, and the passion of those who seek to create a superior smoking experience. It’s more than just a cigar—it’s an invitation to savor a piece of serenity, one puff at a time.
John Roberts (verified owner) –
William Reinier (verified owner) –
Great cigar and can’t go wrong with Toro cigar Co
Micah M. (verified owner) –
Richard Hopkins (verified owner) –
Ivan R. (verified owner) –
Clarence Till (verified owner) –
First 2 sticks were great! The last 3 had burn issues and really bad pulls. Consistency of construction seems to be an issue.